Saturday, June 6, 2009

Finally an interesting update

The week in England was great. I spent a lot of time with my cosuin chris's mates. We went clubbing in Bolton on Saturday and I danced my ass off with Lee which was so much fun. It was the first time I felt really confident and didnt care what other people were thinking. Sunday we had a barbie (bbq) at my aunties in I invited my mates over and my aunty was super cool and left us the house. After the barbie we went to a pub. We being Marc, Lee, Matt, Ben and I. We were joined by Sophie (Bens lovely G/F), Chris (my cousin) and Krissy(his fiance). I got a bit sloshed but not to bad. Then monday I saw this realllly cute puppy (see pic on my FB page) which belongs to my friend Lee. its a laberdoodle. haha. Then Tue and Thur Lee and I kicked it in Manchester. Just wondered around. The whole week I was there it was sunny and 80F. really fantastic.

Ok so Italia. I left Thursday evening (round 8:30p over here) and had a bumpy landing into Bergamno. Worst turbulence ever! Like we literally just dropped a good five feet or so...bit harrowing for my tastes but we landed saftely otherwise. I found Ron and he took me to Cita Altta. Wow it looks like a movie set. Its a rennisance town high up on a hill in Bergamo. It was about 11pm at this point but people were wondering around or sitting at table eating or drinking. Not too much was open but there was some activity. We took a nice 45min or so walk then headed to the motel. Woke up at 8 had some breakfast (hot crossiant) then headed to Lake Como. Como was pretty and full of these narrow zig zagging streets and houses asending the hillside with red terrcotta roofing. All surronding a large lake. We looked at the church first then the villa and eventurally headed to the hotel where the bride was getting ready. The videographer left ahead of us and took our car keys so we took the boat with the groom and some guests. Ron took a bunch of photos then waited at the dock for the bride to arrive with her mother and brides maids. Then an hr or so long ceramony in Italian some pictures outside where it started to drizzle then the guests piled into vans to get to the house. While Ron and I got to ride what looked like a beautiful motorized wooden gondola with the bride and groom to the villa built by her grandfather. I got to eat yummy food and sleep on the couch for two hours. we were working from about 10am to 2am. when we finally got back to the car we had a 4hr drive to Pisa which took longer b/c ron and the Videographer had to stop and sleep and witch off. I slept the whole way. 7am we arrive in Pisa and we are heading to Rons friends house in Porta Lucca. But when I awoke Ron was driving slightly off corse so my first sight of Pisa was a big huge wall and arch way and the Tower of Pisa..soo cool. I then went back to bed for 4hrs and woke up to some breakfast. We are no on to today being saturday. I walked over to the Tower and wondered around below for a bit then walked up the tower and walked back to the house. where I napped a bit then got up and had dinner. BTW the ice cream (Gealto) here is soo good. like strawberry tastes like real strawberries and chocolate tastes so rich and chocolaty def better than that american stuff. Anyhow I leave for Sardgenea on monday and will be there for three months. I go to Austria in July to see my nephew play soccer and then after the summer looks like Ill be helping to get internet/tv and telephone services to Cameroon Africa. hopefully this means a trip to Africa even though home base will be in Europe. Woo thats a lot.

Yes this was a post to a particular person but it came out so much better than when I was trying to post on here b4 so anyway enjoy!! Hopefully Ill get photos up soon.


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