Monday, July 27, 2009


Well it seems loads of people like to take vacations in July and August (what a concept right?!) So anyway I have about 2weeks of empty houses within fairly close proximity of each other, woohoo! Then on the 18th of August I am going to stay with my cousin Susie and we may go camping in Wales (fingers crossed!)

So That is nicely sorted.

Last wednesday I went to an AWESOME Korean place in soho London with an old friend. It was so great to finally see somebody I had known for so long though I didn't realize this till afterwards.

You know it was only recently England band drinking on the subway system? And here the pubs have lines just outside their pubs so loads of people spill out onto the streets after work to have a pint with co-workers and mates. Its a busy fun city but I did not have energy to go wondering around by myself though I was quite content following others around.

All in All I enjoyed London. I'm still trying to figure out where exactly I want to be on the 1st of September as I will have to travel to the airport in the evening and I'd like to pick somewhere some what convient w/ out a lot of changing busses and such :D..we'll see. not much of interest..couldn't figure out how to work the dryer seperate from the washing machine so my clothes are laid about the living room to dry and a policeman just came in...bit embaressing but oh well. haha. O the policeman came b/c my cousin had reported that he found a mt bike and put it in the back yard so I let the policeman into the backyard where there were two black mt bikes so he deiced he'd call back later. haha. oh well.

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