Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Insanity and goodbye

Hello fellow readers, so glad you've decided to be updated on my adventures abroad. Right now I'm exhausted from driving all around and trying to cram in a bunch of Sacramento goodbyes all in one day. So far so good. Today is the day I officially got the news and go ahead to let the ball start rolling on all my plans. I am Flying out to Manchester England next Wednesday. I'll arrive England the next day and I'll hang around and chill with family and friends but only for a week :(...Then its off to Italy!. Yes alas I must spend three months in Italy assisting professional photographer in the entirety of his business...Yes I'm being sarcastic because that is going to be the best thing ever! Ask and you shall receive...well I asked and I got more and I'm stoked. So far though the reality and immensity of what I'm doing hasn't properly sunk in. It'll be a sad day tomorrow as I pack the entirety of my apartment up (aside from a few large items) and throw it into my car and drive it all to the bay. Sad why? Because I'll be doing this with my best friend Stormy and after all the work is said and done we'll have a last supper together and I know I'll start to bawl...I've known this girl since the third grade and this last year she has been my saving grace, who knows what would have happened if I hadn't had her by my side all these months. She has done everything for I'm selling her my lil rocket at a hell of a price as a big fat thank you for everything. By lil rocket I mean my car...get your mind outta the gutter! My car is offended you thought such a thing and she is very proud of her name! I just had a conversation with her, even though the official goodbye isn't till tomorrow I had to make sure she'll treat Stormy right and not cause trouble. Not that I could think my lil reliable Honda could ever do such a thing but I'm going far far away with no idea of when I shall return....Well I'm exhausted and heading to a near y apartment to watch a movie...I probably wont make it through and I'd rather go to bed, but goodbyes must be said especially to all those who have been so wonderful to me! This will get more interesting once I'm in Europe...I swear! haha. TTFN.

1 comment:

  1. "you're gooo-nna make it after aaaaaaaalll!" *throws hat into the air/ freeze frame*

    seeya on facebook! have fun!
